Saturday, August 31, 2019

Life Changing Disaster

It was the most terrifying moment of my life, a storm that I will never forget. It came to us as a surprise, in the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep. It was powerful and deadly for many. It changed my life completely when It left me and family with a destroyed home for months. Of course nobody knew what was going to come next and how things will be. It was dark and windy and nobody was awake In the house when I heard a loud bang outside my window.I woke up and saw a tree broken from Its roots lying on the driveway of my neighbors' house. Next thing I know, my mother ran to my room and opened the door. She had woken up from the sound of the tree falling as well. The first thing that came to our minds was to go straight to the basement in case a tornado was coming. My dad checked all the windows and locked all the doors while I and my mom collected water and food to bring to the basement in case we had to stay there for a while.The storm was roughly six or seven hours long during which e heard trees, houses' windows and other things breaking from the strong wind. Finally the storm had passed and we went upstairs to see nothing but broken windows and furniture thrown around the house by the wind. The storm was the most destructive one in the area recorded in nearly a hundred years according to statistics we heard on the news. It had left people without shelter for weeks and even months. Three of my neighbors were killed by the storm, along with hundreds more in the area which it had hit.Nobody knew where it came from or owe it happened to be so powerful but the outcome of it was horrifying. I was only seven years old and already had seen death and destruction. A psychological scar was given to me by the hands of the destructive wind. For months I was afraid of encountering another disaster like that one. I begged my parents to move our bedrooms to the basement Just to be safe. They knew it had a large Impact on my perception of storms and wind overall but chose to let me try and overcome my fear by facing it.The bedrooms stayed where they were but we had to eve out of the house and to a motel for a month while the house was being worked on by my dad and uncle. Even till this day the sound of wind Is more terrifying to me than death Itself. The loud whistling of the wind and the dancing of the trees makes me shiver Like a child. Days pass and people forget about what happened on that dark autumn night. Only the children who lost their parents and the people who lost their spouses still remember the terror. Now I know to always expect the unexpected and try to prepare for the worst so if it comes, I could be ready.Life Changing Disaster By denouncement September 24, 2010 was powerful and deadly for many. It changed my life completely when it left me and It was dark and windy and nobody was awake in the house when I heard a loud bang outside my window. I woke up and saw a tree broken from its roots lying on the large impact on my p erception of storms and wind overall but chose to let me try and Even till this day the sound of wind is more terrifying to me than death itself. The loud whistling of the wind and the dancing of the trees makes me shiver like a child.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ccna 2 Lab Book

Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Instructor Edition Allan Johnson Cisco Press 800 East 96th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA ii Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Instructors Edition Allan Johnson Copyrigh © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Press logo is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. Published by: Cisco Press 800 East 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 USA All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 First Printing July 2006 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Number: 2006920176 ISBN: 1-58713-167-6 Warning and Disclaimer This book is desi gned to provide information about the labs for the Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 course of the Cisco Networking Academy Program.Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information is provided on an â€Å"as is† basis. The author, Cisco Press, and Cisco Systems, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book or from the use of the discs or programs that may accompany it. The opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and are not necessarily those of Cisco Systems, Inc. Feedback InformationAt Cisco Press, our goal is to create in-depth technical books of the highest quality and value. Each book is crafted with care and precision, undergoing rigorous development that involves the unique expertise of members from the professional technical community. Readers†™ feedback is a natural continuation of this process. If you have any comments regarding how we could improve the quality of this book, or otherwise alter it to better suit your needs, you can contact us through e-mail at [email  protected] com. Please make sure to include the book title and ISBN in your message. We greatly appreciate your assistance.Publisher Paul Boger Cisco Representative Anthony Wolfenden Cisco Press Program Manager Jeff Brady Executive Editor Mary Beth Ray Production Manager Patrick Kanouse Senior Development Editor Christopher Cleveland Senior Project Editor San Dee Phillips Copy Editor John Edwards Technical Editor Tom Knott Team Coordinator Vanessa Evans Book and Cover Designer Louisa Adair Composition Louisa Adair Proofreader Gayle Johnson iii Trademark Acknowledgments All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Cisco Press or Cisco Systems, Inc. cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. iv Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide About the Author Allan Johnson entered the academic world in 1999 after ten years as a business owner/operator to dedicate his efforts to his passion for teaching. He has an M. B. A. and an M. Ed. in occupational training and development. Allan is currently pursuing an M. S. in information security. He is an information technology instructor at Mary Carroll High School and Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas.Since 2003, Allan has committed much of his time and energy to the CCNA Instructional Support Team, providing services for instructors worldwide and creating training materials. He is a familiar voice on the Cisco Networking Academy Community forum â€Å"Ask the Experts† series. He currently holds CCNA and CCAI certifications. About the Technical Reviewer Tom Knott is a Networking Aca demy instructor and IT career–focused learning community director in the Career and Technical Education department at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School, Raleigh, N. C. Tom has taught all versions of the CCNA curriculum since v1. 1.He coauthored Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide (ISBN: 1-58713-164-1), the only authorized Companion Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy Program. v Dedication To my wife, Becky, and my daughter, Christina. Thank you both for your love and patience. vi Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Acknowledgments As technical editor, Tom Knott served admirably as my second pair of eyes, finding and correcting technical inaccuracies as well as grammatical errors, helping to make this project a first-class production. Mary Beth Ray, executive editor, did an outstanding job steering this project from beginning to end.I can always count on Mary Beth to make the tough decisions. Christopher Cleveland, development editor, has a dedica tion to perfection that pays dividends in countless, unseen ways. Thank you for providing me with much-needed guidance and support. This book could not be a reality without your persistence. Last, I cannot forget to thank all my students—past and present—who have helped me over the years to create engaging and exciting activities and labs. There is no better way to test the effectiveness of an activity than to give it to a team of dedicated students.They excel at finding the obscurest of errors! I could have never done this without all your support. vii Contents at a Glance Chapter 1 WANs and Routers 1 Chapter 2 Introduction to Routers Chapter 3 Configuring a Router Chapter 4 Learning About Other Devices 119 Chapter 5 Managing Cisco IOS Software 197 Chapter 6 Routing and Routing Protocols 239 Chapter 7 Distance Vector Routing Protocols Chapter 8 TCP/IP Suite Error and Control Messages Chapter 9 Basic Router Troubleshooting Chapter 10 Intermediate TCP/IP Chapter 11 Acce ss Control Lists (ACLs) Appendix A CCNA 2 Skills-Based Assessment PracticeAppendix B Router Interface Summary Appendix C Erasing and Reloading the Router 21 55 271 351 357 425 439 557 559 551 viii Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Contents Chapter 1: WANs and Routers Study Guide WANs 1 2 2 Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 3 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 4 Concept Questions 4 Routers 5 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 5 Internal Components of a Router 6 Label the External Components of a Router 8 Label the Topology Components Exercise 9 Concept Questions 10 Lab Exercises 11 Curriculum Lab 1-1: Connecting Console Interfaces (1. 2. ) 11 Task 1: Identify Connectors and Components 11 Task 2: Identify the Computer Serial Interface (COM 1 or 2) 11 Task 3: Locate the RJ-45–to–DB9 Adapter 12 Task 4: Locate or Build a Rollover Cable 12Task 5: Connect Cabling Components 13 Curriculum Lab 1-2: Connecting Router LAN Interfaces (1. 2. 6) 13 Task 1: Identify the Et hernet or Fast Ethernet Interfaces on the Router 14 Task 2: Identify the Proper Cables and Connect the Router to a Hub or Switch 14 Task 3: Connect the Workstation Ethernet Cabling 15 Task 4: Verify the Connection 15 Curriculum Lab 1-3: Connecting WAN Interfaces (1. . 7) 15 Task 1: Identify the Serial Interfaces on the Router 16 Task 2: Identify and Locate the Proper Cables 16 Task 3: Cable the Routers 17 Challenge Lab 1-4: Build a Two-Router Topology 18 Task 1: Choose the Devices 18 Task 2: Choose the Cables 18 Task 3: Connect the Devices 19 Task 4: Verify Connectivity 19 Chapter 2: Introduction to Routers Study Guide 21 22 Cisco IOS and the IOS Command-Line Interface 22 Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 22 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 23 Concept Questions 24 Internet Research 25 Starting, Configuring, Accessing, and Using a Router CLI 26 ixRouter Boot Sequence Exercise 26 Using the Router CLI Exercise 27 Interpreting Command Output Exercise 28 Concept Questions 29 Lab Exercises 31 Command Reference 31 Curriculum Lab 2-1: Router Configuration Using Setup (2. 2. 1) 31 Task 1: Start the Router and Begin Setup Mode 32 Task 2: Continue with the Setup Dialog Box 32 Task 3: Show the Current Interface Summary 32 Task 4: Configure the Global Parameters 33 Task 5: Configure the Interface Parameters 33 Task 6: Specifying Whether to Use the Configuration Command Script 33 Curriculum Lab 2-2: Establishing a Console Session withHyperTerminal (2. 2. 4) 34 Task 1: Connect a Rollover Cable to the Console Port 34 Task 2: Start HyperTerminal 34 Task 3: Name the HyperTerminal Session 34 Task 4: Specify the Computer’s Connecting Interface 35 Task 5: Specify the Interface Connection Properties 35 Task 6: Close the Session 36 Task 7: Reopen the HyperTerminal Connection, as Shown in Task 2 37 Task 8: Terminate the HyperTerminal Session 37 Curriculum Lab 2-3: Command-Line Fundamentals (2. 2. 9) 37 Task 1: Start HyperTerminal 38 Task 2: Log In to the Router 38 Task 3: Use the H elp Feature 38 Task 4: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode 38Task 5: Use the Help Feature 39 Task 6: List the show Commands 39 Task 7: Examine the Running Configuration 39 Task 8: Examine the Configuration in More Detail 39 Task 9: Use the Command History Feature 39 Task 10: Log Off and Turn Off the Router 39 Comprehensive Lab 2-4: Exploring the Router and IOS 40 Task 1: Physically Connect to a Router and Start a HyperTerminal Session 40 Task 2: Exploring Setup Mode 42 Task 3: Use the Help Feature 45 Task 4: Examining the Router 47 Task 5: Configure a Workstation on the Router’s LAN 48 Task 6: Troubleshooting Connectivity 49Task 7: Restore Equipment Configurations 50 Challenge Lab 2-5: Configure a Two-Router Topology 51 Task 1: Cable the Topology 51 Task 2: Design and Document Addressing Scheme 51 x Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 3: Configure IP Addressing on the Two Routers 52 Task 4: Configure Static Routing Between the Two Routers 52 Task 5: Configure I P Addressing on the Two PCs 53 Task 6: Test Connectivity and Troubleshoot 53 Chapter 3: Configuring a Router Study Guide 55 56 Configuring a Router for Basic Routing 56 Router Prompt Exercise 56 Basic Configuration Exercise 56 how Commands Exercise 59 Documenting the Router Configuration Finishing the Configuration Exercise 62 Managing the Configuration File Exercise 63 Lab Exercises 62 64 Command Reference 64 Curriculum Lab 3-1: Command Modes and Router Identification (3. 1. 2) 65 Task 1: Log in to the Router in User Mode 66 Task 2: Log in to the Router in Privileged Mode 66 Task 3: Enter Global Configuration Mode 66 Task 4: Enter Router Configuration Mode 67 Task 5: Exit from Router Mode and Enter Interface Configuration Mode 67 Task 6: Assign a Name to the Router 67 Task 7: Exit the Router and Global Configuration Mode 68Curriculum Lab 3-2: Configuring Router Passwords (3. 1. 3) 68 Task 1: Log in to the Router in User EXEC Mode 68 Task 2: Log in to the Router in Privileged EXEC M ode 69 Task 3: Enter Global Configuration Mode 69 Task 4: Enter a Hostname of GAD for This Router 69 Task 5: Configure the Console Password on the Router and Exit Line Mode 69 Task 6: Configure the Password on the Virtual Terminal Lines and Exit Line Mode 70 Task 7: Configure the Enable Password and Exit 70 Task 8: Return to User EXEC Mode 70 Task 9: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode Again 70 Task 10: Return to Configuration Mode 70Task 11: Configure the Enable Secret Password and Exit Global Configuration Mode 70 Task 12: Return to User EXEC Mode 71 Task 13: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode Again 71 Task 14: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode Again 71 Task 15: Show the Router’s Running Configuration 71 Curriculum Lab 3-3: Using Router show Commands (3. 1. 4) 73 Task 1: Log in to the Router 74 xi Task 2: Enter the help Command 74 Task 3: Display Help for the show Command 74 Task 4: Display the IOS Software Version and Other Important Information 74 Task 5: Display the Router’s Time and Dat e 75 Task 6: Display a Cached List of Hostnames and Addresses 75Task 7: Display Users Who Are Connected to the Router 75 Task 8: Display the Command Buffer 75 Task 9: Enter Privileged Mode 75 Task 10: Enter the help Command 75 Task 11: Display the Router Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Table 76 Task 12: Display Information About the Flash Memory Device 76 Task 13: Show Information About the Active Configuration File 76 Task 14: Display Information About the Backup Configuration File 76 Task 15: Display Statistics for All Interfaces Configured on the Router 76 Task 16: Display the Protocols Configured on the Router 77Curriculum Lab 3-4: Configuring a Serial Interface (3. 1. 5) 77 Task 1: Connect the Router and Workstation Cabling 78 Task 2: Configure the Name and Passwords for Router 1 78 Task 3: Configure Serial Interface Serial 0 78 Task 4: Save the Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration in Privileged EXEC Mode 78 Task 5: Display Information About Serial Interface 0 o n GAD 79 Task 6: Configure the Name and Passwords for Router 2 80 Task 7: Configure Serial Interface Serial 0 81 Task 8: Save the Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration in Privileged EXEC Mode 81Task 9: Display Information About Serial Interface 0 on BHM 82 Task 10: Verify That the Serial Connection Is Functioning 83 Curriculum Lab 3-5: Making Configuration Changes (3. 1. 6) 84 Task 1: Connect the Router and Workstation Cabling 84 Task 2: Configure Hostname and Passwords 85 Task 3: Configure the Serial 0 Interface 85 Task 4: Save the Configuration 85 Task 5: Verify the Configuration 85 Task 6: Modify the Configuration 85 Task 7: Bring Down Serial Interface 0 86 Task 8: Bring Up the Serial 0 Interface 86 Task 9: Verify the Configuration 87 Curriculum Lab 3-6: Configuring an Ethernet Interface (3. . 7) 89 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the GAD Router 89 Task 2: Configure the FastEthernet 0 Interface 89 Task 3: Save the Configuration 90 Task 4: Display the FastEthernet 0 Configuration Information 90 Curriculum Lab 3-7: Configuring Interface Descriptions (3. 2. 3) 92 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the Router 93 Task 2: Enter Global Configuration Mode 93 xii Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 3: Enter Interface Configuration Mode 93 Task 4: Display Help for the description Command 93 Task 5: Choose a Description for the Interface 93Task 6: Enter a Description for Interface Serial 0 94 Task 7: Examine the Active Configuration File 94 Task 8: Confirm That the Interface Description Is Correct 95 Curriculum Lab 3-8: Configuring Message of the Day (MOTD) (3. 2. 5) 96 Task 1: Configure Basic Router Information 97 Task 2: Enter Global Configuration Mode 97 Task 3: Display Help for the banner motd Command 97 Task 4: Choose the Text for MOTD 97 Task 5: Enter the Desired Banner Message 97 Task 6: Test the MOTD Display 98 Task 7: Verify the MOTD by Looking at the Router Configuration 98 Curriculum Lab 3-9: Configuring Host Tables (3. . 7) 99 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the GAD Router 100 Task 2: Configure the Interfaces and Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 100 Task 3: Save the GAD Router Configuration 101 Task 4: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the BHM Router 101 Task 5: Configure the Interfaces and Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 101 Task 6: Save the BHM Router Configuration 101 Task 7: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning 101 Task 8: Configure the IP Host Table for the Network 102 Task 9: Exit Configuration Mode and Test 102 Curriculum Lab 3-10: Backing Up Configuration Files (3. . 9) 106 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the GAD Router 107 Task 2: Configure the Interfaces and Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 107 Task 3: Save the GAD Router Configuration 107 Task 4: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the BHM Router 107 Task 5: Configure the Interfaces and Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 107 Task 6: Save the BHM Router Configuration 108 Task 7: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning 108 Task 8: Start Capturing the Configuration File 108 Task 9: Stop Capturing the Configuration File 110 Task 10: Clean Up the Captured Configuration File 110Task 11: Test Your Backup Configuration 112 Task 12: Restart the Router to Remove the Running Configuration 112 Task 13: Reconfigure the Router from the Saved Text File 112 Task 14: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning Again 113 Comprehensive Lab 3-11: Basic Router Configuration and File Management 113 Task 1: Set Up Lab Equipment and Document 114 Task 2: Document Interface Descriptions and Banner 114 Task 3: Basic Router Configurations 115 Task 4: Interface Configurations 115 xiii Task 5: Routing Configurations 115 Task 6: Configure Hosts and Verify Full Network Connectivity 116 Task 7: Capture Configurations and Clean Up . xt Scripts 116 Task 8: Erase Routers and Reload with . txt Files 116 Task 9: Return Equipment to Former State 116 Challenge Lab 3 -12: Basic Router Configuration Challenge 117 Task 1: Edit Script with a New Configuration 117 Task 2: Load Scripts into the Routers 117 Task 3: Attach and Configure Hosts 118 Task 4: Verify Routing and Test Connectivity 118 Chapter 4: Learning About Other Devices Study Guide 119 120 Discovering Neighbors Using CDP 120 CDP Concepts and Commands Exercise 120 Network Topology Discovery Exercise 1 123 Network Topology Discovery Exercise 2 128Getting Information and Troubleshooting Remote Devices Concept Questions 135 Lab Exercises 135 139 Command Reference 139 Curriculum Lab 4-1: Creating a Network Map Using CDP (4. 1. 4) 139 Task 1: Log in to Router 1 (GAD) 140 Task 2: Configure the Routers 140 Task 3: Gather Information About GAD’s Interfaces 140 Task 4: Display the CDP Updates Received on the Local Router 140 Curriculum Lab 4-2: Using CDP Commands (4. 1. 6) 143 Task 1: Configure the Routers 144 Task 2: Gather Information About the GAD Router’s Interfaces 144 Task 3: En able the Interfaces on GAD 145Task 4: Gather Information About the GAD Router Interfaces 145 Task 5: Display the Values of the CDP Timers, the Interface Status, and Encapsulation Used 145 Task 6: Display the CDP Updates Received on the Local Router 146 Task 7: Enable Serial 0 Interface on BHM 146 Task 8: Display Details About CDP Updates Received on the Local Router GAD 147 Task 9: Observe CDP Packets Being Sent and Received on Router GAD 147 Task 10: Observe CDP Packet Traffic 148 Curriculum Lab 4-3: Establishing and Verifying a Telnet Connection (4. 2. 2) 149 Task 1: Configure the Routers 150Task 2: Log in to Router 1 and Verify the Connection to Router 2 150 Task 3: Use help with the Telnet Command 150 Task 4: Telnet to a Remote Router 150 xiv Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 5: Look at the Interfaces on the Remote Router 150 Task 6: Display the Protocols on the Remote Router 151 Task 7: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode 151 Task 8: Look at the Running Configu ration 151 Task 9: Look at the Saved Configuration 151 Task 10: Look at the Neighbor Configuration 151 Curriculum Lab 4-4: Suspending and Disconnecting Telnet Sessions (4. 2. 3) 154 Task 1: Configure the Routers 155Task 2: Log in to GAD and Verify the Connection to BHM 155 Task 3: Telnet to a Remote Router 155 Task 4: Look at the Interfaces on the Remote Router 155 Task 5: Suspend the Current Telnet Session 156 Task 6: Resume a Telnet session 156 Task 7: Close a Telnet Session 156 Curriculum Lab 4-5: Advanced Telnet Operations (4. 2. 4) 158 Task 1: Configure the GAD, BHM, and PHX Routers Using the Tables 160 Task 2: Log in to Router 1 and Verify the Connection to Routers 2 and 3 160 Task 3: Telnet to a Remote Router 160 Task 4: Look at the Interfaces on the Remote Router 160 Task 5: Suspend the Current Telnet Session 162Task 6: Establish Another Telnet Session 162 Task 7: Suspend the Current Telnet Session 162 Task 8: Use the show sessions Command to See the Connections 162 Task 9: Resume the Previously Suspended Telnet Session 162 Task 10: Use the show sessions Command to See the Connections 162 Task 11: Close a Telnet Session 163 Task 12: Use the show sessions Command to See the Connections 163 Task 13: Resume the Previously Suspended Telnet Session 163 Task 14: Close a Telnet Session 163 Task 15: Problems with Linked Telnet Sessions on Multiple Routers 164 Task 16: Telnet to the BHM Router 164Task 17: Telnet Back to the PHX Router 164 Task 18: Telnet to the GAD Router 164 Task 19: Telnet to the BHM Router 164 Task 20: Exiting from All Sessions 164 Curriculum Lab 4-6: Connectivity Tests—Ping (4. 2. 5a) 168 Task 1: Configure the GAD and BHM Routers 169 Task 2: Log in to GAD and Verify the Connection to BHM 170 Task 3: Display Information About Host to Layer 3 Address Mappings 170 Task 4: Use the ping Command 170 Task 5: Examine the Results of the ping Command 171 Task 6: Configure the Workstations 171 Task 7: Use the ping command from the Workstation 1 71 Task 8: Test Layer 3 Connectivity 172Task 9: From the Host, Telnet to the Directly Connected Router 172 xv Task 10: Perform an Extended ping 172 Task 11: Perform Another Extended ping 172 Task 12: Perform an Extended ping from the Host 173 Curriculum Lab 4-7: Connectivity Tests—Traceroute (4. 2. 5b) 176 Task 1: Configure the Routers 177 Task 2: Configure the Workstations 177 Task 3: Use the ping Command from the Workstation 177 Task 4: Test Layer 3 Connectivity 177 Task 5: Log in to the Router in User Mode 178 Task 6: Discover the traceroute Options 178 Task 7: Use the Help Function with traceroute 178 Task 8: Continue Discovering the traceroute Options 178Task 9: Use the traceroute Command 179 Task 10: Continue Using traceroute 179 Task 11: Use the tracert Command from a Workstation 179 Task 12: Trace to Cisco and Other Common Websites 180 Task 13: Compare the IP Route traces to Cisco, Yahoo, and AOL 181 Curriculum Lab 4-8: Troubleshooting IP Address Issues (4. 2. 6) 182 Task 1: Configure the Routers 183 Task 2: Configure the Workstations 183 Task 3: Use the ping Command from the Workstation 183 Comprehensive Lab 4-9: CDP Commands 186 Task 1: Cabling, Basic Router Configuration, Workstation Configuration, and Verification 187Task 2: Display the Values of the CDP Timers, the Interface Status, and the Encapsulation Used 190 Task 3: Display CDP Information About Other Devices 191 Task 4: Monitoring and Observing CDP Traffic 191 Comprehensive Lab 4-10: Network Troubleshooting Commands 192 Task 1: Cable and Configure the Topology 192 Task 2: Verify Network Layer Connectivity 193 Task 3: Verify the Path from Source to Destination 194 Task 4: Advanced Telnet Operations 195 Task 5: Finalize Documentation and Restore Equipment Configurations 196 Chapter 5: Managing Cisco IOS Software Study Guide 197 198Router Boot Sequence and Loading IOS Images 198 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 198 Router Boot Sequence Exercise 199 Boot System Commands Exercise 199 Config uration Register Exercise 199 Journal Entry 200 Managing Cisco Router IOS and Configuration Files 200 IOS Naming Convention Exercise 200 xvi Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Backing Up an IOS and Configuration File Exercise 202 Using ROMMON and the tftpdnld Command Exercise 203 Command Reference 205 Lab 5-1: Using the boot system Command (5. 1. 3) 206 Task 1: Log in to the Router 206 Task 2: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode 206Task 3: Save the Existing running-config to the startup-config 207 Task 4: Configure the Router and View the Running Configuration File 207 Task 5: Show Information About the Backup Configuration File 207 Task 6: Display the IOS Version and Other Important Information 207 Task 7: Create the Statements to Perform the Following Functions 208 Task 8: Show Information About the Flash Memory Device 209 Task 9: Specify a Fallback Boot Sequence 209 Lab 5-2: Troubleshooting Configuration Register Boot Problems (5. 1. 5) 211 Task 1: Log in to the Router 211 Task 2: Configure the Router Name and Configuration Register Setting 211 Task : Save the Existing running-config to the startup-config 212 Task 4: Restart the Router 212 Task 5: View the Running Configuration File 212 Task 6: Reload the Saved Configuration 213 Task 7: Display the IOS Version and Other Important Information 213 Task 8: Change the Configuration Register to Load the Startup Configuration File from NVRAM, Save, and Reload the Router 214 Task 9. Verify the Configuration Register Setting and Log Out of the Router 214 Lab 5-3: Managing Configuration Files with TFTP (5. 2. 3) 216 Task 1: Configure the GAD Router 217 Task 2: Configure the Workstation 217Task 3: Start and Configure the Cisco TFTP Server 218 Task 4: Verify Connectivity by Pinging the TFTP Server 218 Task 5: Copy the running-config to the TFTP Server 218 Task 6: Verify the Transfer to the TFTP Server 218 Task 7: Copy the startup-config from the TFTP Server 218 Task 8: Save the New running-config 219 Task 9 : Test the Restored File 219 Lab 5-4: Managing IOS Images with TFTP (5. 2. 5) 219 Task 1: Configure the GAD Router 220 Task 2: Configure the Workstation 220 Task 3: Collect Information to Document the Router 220 Task 4: Collect More Information to Document the Router 220Task 5: Start and Configure the Cisco TFTP Server 221 Task 6: Verify Connectivity by Pinging the TFTP Server 221 Task 7: Prepare to Copy the IOS to the TFTP Server 221 Task 8: Copy the IOS Image to the TFTP Server 221 Task 9: Verify the Transfer to the TFTP Server 222 Task 10: Copy the IOS Image from the TFTP Server 222 xvii Task 11: Test the Restored IOS Image 223 Lab 5-5: Password Recovery Procedures (5. 2. 6a) 224 Task 1: Attempt to Log in to the Router 225 Task 2: Document the Current Configuration Register Setting 225 Task 3: Enter ROM Monitor Mode 225 Task 4: Examine the ROM Monitor Mode Help 225Task 5: Change the Configuration Register Setting to Boot Without Loading the Configuration File 226 Task 6: Restart the Router 226 Task 7: Enter Privileged EXEC Mode and Change the Password 226 Task 8: Verify the New Password and Configuration 227 Lab 5-6: Managing IOS Images with ROMMON and Xmodem (5. 2. 6b) 227 Task 1: Enter the ROM Monitor Mode 228 Task 2: Find a Valid Image in Flash Memory 228 Task 3: Recover from the Listed Images if You See Any 228 Task 4: Record Information Using show version 228 Task 5: Configure the Boot Register to Enter ROMMON Mode 229 Task 6: View Available Commands from the ROMMON Prompt 229Task 7: Reset the Terminal Speed for a Faster Download 230 Task 8: Use the xmodem Command to Request a File from the Host 231 Task 9: Send the File from the HyperTerminal Program 231 Task 10: Reset the Boot Register and the Console Speed 233 Task 11: Review the New Settings 233 Challenge Lab 5-7: Use TFTP to Load IOS and Configuration File 234 Task 1: Cable the Lab and Gather Information 234 Task 2: Change the Configuration Register Setting 235 Task 3: Add Statements to Specify a Different Boot Sequence 236 Task 4: Test Your Boot System Commands 236 Task 5: Back Up the Configuration File to a TFTP Server 237Task 6: Back Up the IOS Stored in Flash to a TFTP Server 237 Instructor Confirmation 238 Chapter 6: Routing and Routing Protocols Study Guide 239 240 Adding Connected and Static IP Routes 240 Dissecting a Routing Table Entry Exercise 240 Static Routing Configuration Exercise 1 241 Static Routing Configuration Exercise 2 242 Internet Research: What Is Administrative Distance? 244 Concept Questions 245 Routing Protocols Overview 245 Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 246 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 247 xviii Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Routing Protocols Flow Chart Exercise 247Concept Questions 248 Routing Protocols: Survey and Configuration Routing Protocol Characteristics Exercise 248 248 RIP Configuration Exercise 1 249 RIP Configuration Exercise 2 250 Concept Questions 252 Lab Exercises 253 Command Reference 253 Curriculum Lab 6 -1: Configuring Static Routes (6. 1. 6) 253 Task 1: Configure Both Routers 254 Task 2: Configure the Workstations with the Proper IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway 254 Task 3: Check the Interface Status 255 Task 4: Check the Routing Table Entries 255 Task 5: Add Static Routes 256 Task 6: Verify the New Routes 256 Task 7: Try to Ping Host to Host Again 256Comprehensive Lab 6-2: Static Routing with Migration to Dynamic Routing 259 Task 1: Cable the Lab 260 Task 2: Basic Router Configurations 260 Task 3: Interface Configurations 260 Task 4: Static Routing Configurations 261 Task 5: Migrate to Dynamic Routing 262 Challenge Lab 6-3: Static and Dynamic Routing Configuration 264 Task 1: Cabling, Basic Router Configuration, and Verification 265 Task 2: Configure RIP Routing on HQ and BRANCH 266 Task 3: Configure Static and Default Routing 268 Chapter 7: Distance Vector Routing Protocols Study Guide 271 272 Avoiding Loops When Converging Using Distance Vector Routing Protocols 272 Vocabulary Exercise: Matching 272 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 273 Routing Loop Avoidance Exercise 273 Routing Information Protocol 275 RIP v1 and RIP v2 Comparison Exercise 275 Advanced RIP Concepts and Configuration Exercise 275 Troubleshooting with show Commands 280 Troubleshooting with debug Commands 282 Lab Exercises 284 Command Reference 284 Lab 7-1: Configuring RIP (7. 2. 2) 285 xix Task 1: Configure the Routers 286 Task 2: Check the Routing Table Entries 286 Task 3: Configure the Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 286 Task 4: Save the GAD Router Configuration 287Task 5: Configure the Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 287 Task 6. Save the BHM Router Configuration 287 Task 7: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 287 Task 8: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 287 Task 9: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 287 Lab 7-2: Troubleshooting RIP (7. 2. 6) 290 Task 1: Configure the Routers 291 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 291 Task 3: Make Sure That Routing Updates Are Being Sent 291Task 4: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 292 Task 5: Show the RIP Routing Table Entries for Each Router 293 Task 6: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 293 Lab 7-3: Preventing Routing Updates Through an Interface (7. 2. 7) 295 Task 1: Configure the Routers 296 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 296 Task 3: Check the Basic Routing Configuration 296 Task 4: Observe RIP Routing Updates 297 Task 5: Stop Routing Updates from GAD to BHM 298Task 6: Add a Default Route to BHM 298 Lab 7-4: Load Balancing Across Multiple Paths (7. 2. 9) 301 Task 1: Configure the Routers 302 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 303 Task 3: Check the Basic Routing Configuration 303 Task 4: Ensure That the Router Load-Balances on a Per-Packet Basis 304 Task 5: Verify Per-Packet Load Balancing 304 Task 6: Verify Per-Destination Load Balancing 305 Lab 7-5: Configuring IGRP (7. 3. 5) 306 Task 1: Configure the Routers 307 Task 2: Configure the Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 307 Task 3.Save the GAD Router Configuration 307 Task 4: Configure the Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 308 Task 5: Save the BHM Router Configuration 308 Task 6: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 308 Task 7: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 308 xx Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 8: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 308 Task 9: Verify the Routing Protocol 309 Task 10: Verify the IGRP Statements in the Running Configuration of Both Routers 310Task 11: Verify the IGRP Routing Updates Using the debug ip igr p events Command 310 Task 12: Verify the IGRP Routing Updates Using the debug ip igrp transactions Command 311 Task 13: Analyze Specific Routes 311 Lab 7-6: Default Routing with RIP and IGRP (7. 3. 6) 314 Task 1: Configure the Routers 316 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 316 Task 3: Check the Basic Routing Configuration 316 Task 4: Verify Connectivity 316 Task 5: Configure Centre as the Connection to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) 316 Task 6: Set Up a Default Route on the Centre Router 316Task 7: Verify the Routing Tables 317 Task 8: Migrate the Network from RIP to IGRP 317 Task 9: Check Centre’s Routing Table for the Static Default Route 318 Task 10: Create a Second Loopback Interface on Centre to Test the Default Route 318 Lab 7-7: Unequal-Cost Load Balancing with IGRP (7. 3. 8) 322 Task 1: Configure the Routers 323 Task 2: Configure Bandwidth on the MAD Router Interfaces 323 Task 3: Configure the Hosts with t he Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 324 Task 4: Use the variance Command to Configure Unequal-Cost Load Balancing 324 Task 5: Check the Basic Routing Configuration 326Task 6: Verify Per-Packet Load Balancing 327 Task 7: Verify Per-Destination Load Balancing 328 Comprehensive Lab 7-8: Advanced RIP Configuration and Troubleshooting 332 Task 1: Cable the Lab 332 Task 2: Basic Router Configurations 333 Task 3: Interface Configurations 333 Task 4: Dynamic Routing Configurations 334 Task 5: Migration to RIP v2 335 Task 6: Configure and Redistribute a Default Route 339 Task 7: Optimize and Verify RIP Routing 340 Challenge Lab 7-9: RIP and Default Routing to ISP 342 Task 1: Cable the Lab 343 Task 2: Basic Router Configurations 343 Task 3: Interface Configurations 343Task 4: Dynamic Routing Configuration for BRANCH and HQ 344 xxi Task 5: Configure Static Routing on ISP 345 Task 6: Configure Primary Default Routing on HQ 346 Task 7: Configure BRANCH with a Floating Stat ic Default Route 347 Task 8: Test the Backup Route 347 Task 9: Capture and Document Your Configurations 349 Chapter 8: TCP/IP Suite Error and Control Messages Study Guide 351 352 TCP/IP Error Messages: ICMP 352 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 352 IP Packet Header Exercise 353 ICMP Message Type Exercise 353 ICMP Destination Unreachable Codes Exercise 354 Concept Questions 355 Lab Exercises Chapter 9: 356Basic Router Troubleshooting Study Guide 357 358 Examining the Routing Table 358 Vocabulary Exercises: Completion 358 Interpreting a Routing Table Entry Exercise 360 The show ip route Options Exercise 361 Layer 2 and Layer 3 Address Exercise 361 Complete the Administrative Distance Table Exercise 362 Concept Questions 363 Network Testing Methods and Tips 363 Using the OSI Model to Troubleshoot 364 Match the Tool to the Layer Exercise 365 Concept Questions 365 Router and Routing Troubleshooting Tips 365 The show Command Exercise 366 The debug Command Exercise 371 Concept Questions 372 Lab Exercises 373Command Reference 373 Lab 9-1: Using show ip route to Examine Routing Tables (9. 1. 1) 373 Task 1: Configure the Routers 374 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 374 Task 3: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 374 Task 4: Make Sure That Routing Updates Are Being Sent 375 Task 5: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 376 Task 6: Enable IGRP Routing on Both Routers 376 xxii Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 7: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router Again 376Task 8: Add a Second Serial Cable Between Routers 377 Task 9: Clear the Routing Tables on Both Routers 377 Task 10: Use show ip route to See Different Routes by Type 377 Lab 9-2: Gateway of Last Resort (9. 1. 2) 380 Task 1: Configure the Routers 381 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 381 Task 3: Verify That th e Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 381 Task 4: Make Sure That Routing Updates Are Being Sent 381 Task 5: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 382 Task 6: Add the Default Route to the BHM Router 382Task 7: Add the Default Route to the GAD Router 382 Task 8: Remove RIP Routing from Both Routers 382 Task 9: Remove the Default Route from Only the GAD Router 382 Task 10: Remove RIP Routing from the Routers and Use IGRP Instead 383 Task 11: Enter a Default Network Entry on the BHM Router 383 Lab 9-3: Last Route Update (9. 1. 8) 386 Task 1: Configure the Routers 386 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 387 Task 3: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 387Task 4: Make Sure That Routing Updates Are Being Sent 387 Task 5: Show the Routing Tables for Each Router 387 Task 6: Check the Routing Table for a Specific Route 38 8 Task 7: Check the IP RIP Database on the BHM Router 389 Task 8: Configure IGRP Using AS Number 101 on All Routers 389 Task 9: From BHM, Enter show ip route 390 Task 10: Check the Routing Protocol on Router BHM 390 Lab 9-4: Troubleshooting Using ping and telnet (9. 2. 6) 393 Task 1: Configure the Routers 394 Task 2: Configure the Hosts with the Proper IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Default Gateways 395 Task 3: Check the Connections 395Task 4: Troubleshoot 395 Task 5: List the Findings 395 Task 6: Perform the Lab Again with Team Members 1 and 2 Switching Roles 395 Lab 9-5: Troubleshooting Using traceroute (9. 3. 4) 398 Task 1: Configure the Routers 399 Task 2: Configure the Workstations with the Appropriate IP Address Subnet Masks and Default Gateways 399 Task 3: Ping from the Workstations 399 Task 4: Test Layer 3 Connectivity 400 Task 5: Log in to the Router in User Mode 400 Task 6: Discover the trace Options 400 xxiii Task 7: Use the traceroute Command 401 Task 8: Continue Using traceroute 401 Task 9: Use the tracert Command from a Workstation 401Lab 9-6: Troubleshooting Routing Issues with show ip route and show ip protocols (9. 3. 5) 404 Task 1: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interfaces on the GAD Router 405 Task 2: Configure the Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 405 Task 3: Save the GAD Router Configuration 405 Task 4: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interfaces on the BHM Router 406 Task 5: Configure the Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 406 Task 6: Save the BHM Router Configuration 406 Task 7: Verify That the Internetwork Is Functioning by Pinging the FastEthernet Interface of the Other Router 406 Task 8: Examine the Routing Table 406Task 9: Examine the Routing Protocol Status 406 Task 10: Change the Configuration to Route the Correct Networks 407 Task 11: Confirm That RIP Is Routing the Correct Networks 407 Task 12: Verify the Routing Table 408 Task 13: Verify Connectivity Between the GAD Router and the Host in BHM 408 Lab 9-7: Trouble shooting Routing Issues with debug (9. 3. 7) 412 Task 1: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interfaces on the GAD Router 413 Task 2: Configure the Routing Protocol on the GAD Router 413 Task 3: Save the GAD Router Configuration 413 Task 4: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interfaces on the BHM Router 413Task 5: Configure the Routing Protocol on the BHM Router 413 Task 6: Save the BHM Router Configuration 413 Task 7: Gather Facts—Ask and Listen 414 Task 8: Gather Facts—Test Basic Functionality 414 Task 9: Gather Facts—Start Testing to Isolate the Problem 414 Task 10: Examine the Routing Table 414 Task 11: Examine the Routing Protocol Status 415 Task 12: Gather Facts—Identify the Exact Problem 415 Task 13: Consider the Possibilities 416 Task 14: Create an Action Plan 416 Task 15: Implement the Action Plan 416 Task 16: Observe the Results 416 Challenge Lab 9-8: Basic Routing Troubleshooting 420Task 1: Cable the Lab 420 Task 2: Determine an Appropri ate Addressing Scheme 420 Task 3: Router, Routing, and PC Configuration 421 Task 4: Verify and Troubleshoot Your Network Configuration 422 xxiv Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Chapter 10: Intermediate TCP/IP Study Guide 425 426 TCP and UDP Operation 426 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 426 TCP Segment Format Exercise 427 UDP Segment Format Exercise 427 Concept Questions 427 Operation of Transport Layer Ports 428 Vocabulary Exercise: Completion 428 TCP and UDP Port Numbers Exercise 429 Comparing Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 Addresses 429Lab Exercises 431 Command Reference 431 Curriculum Lab 10-1: Multiple Active Host Sessions (10. 1. 6) 431 Task 1: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interface on the GAD Router 432 Task 2: Save the Configuration Information from Privileged EXEC Command Mode 432 Task 3: Configure the Host 432 Task 4: Allow HTTP Access to the Router 432 Task 5: Use the Workstation Browser to Access the Router 432 Task 6: Telnet to the Ethernet Interface on the Router from the Host 432 Task 7: Start a Second Telnet Session to the Router 432 Task 8: Check the Sessions on the Host 433Curriculum Lab 10-2: Well-Known Port Numbers and Multiple Sessions (10. 2. 5) 434 Task 1: Configure the Hostname, Passwords, and Interface on the GAD Router 434 Task 2: Save the Configuration Information from Privileged EXEC Command Mode 435 Task 3: Configure the Host 435 Task 4: Allow HTTP Access to the Router 435 Task 5: Use the Workstation Browser to Access the Router 435 Task 6: Telnet to the Ethernet Interface on the Router from the Host 435 Task 7: Start a Second Telnet Session to the Router 435 Task 8: Start a Third Telnet Session to the Router 435 Task 9: Start a Fourth Telnet Session to the Router 436Task 10: Check the Number of Sessions on the Host 436 Task 11: Check the Number of Sessions on the Router 437 Chapter 11: Access Control Lists (ACLs) Study Guide 439 440 Access Control List Fundamentals 440 Basic ACL Concepts and Rules Exe rcises 440 ACL Flow Chart Exercise 441 xxv Standard ACL Syntax Exercise 443 Determine the Wildcard Mask Exercise 443 Concept Questions 444 Access Control Configuration 445 Standard ACL Configuration Exercises 445 Standard ACL Scenario 1 446 Standard ACL Scenario 2 447 Standard ACL Scenario 3 447 Extended ACL Scenario 1 447 Extended ACL Scenario 2 448Extended ACL Scenario 3 449 Extended ACL Scenario 4 449 Extended Named ACL Scenario 450 Restricting vty and HTTP Access 450 Lab Exercises 452 Command Reference 452 Lab 11-1: Configuring Standard Access Lists (11. 2. 1a) 453 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the GAD Router 453 Task 2: Configure the Hosts on the Ethernet Segment 454 Task 3: Save the Configuration Information from Privileged EXEC Command Mode 454 Task 4: Confirm Connectivity by Pinging the Default Gateway from Both Hosts 454 Task 5: Prevent Access to the Ethernet Interface from the Hosts 454 Task 6: Ping the Router from the Hosts 454Task 7: Apply the ACL to th e Interface 454 Task 8: Ping the Router from the Hosts 455 Task 9: Create a New ACL 455 Task 10: Apply the ACL to the Proper Router Interface 455 Task 11: Ping the Router from Each Host 455 Lab 11-2: Standard ACLs (11. 2. 1b) 457 Task 1: Perform Basic Router Interconnection 458 Task 2: Perform Basic Configuration 458 Task 3: Establish Access List Requirements 458 Task 4: Plan the Access List Requirements 458 Task 5: Write and Apply the ACL 459 Task 6: Verify the ACL 460 Task 7: Document the ACL 461 Lab 11-3: Configuring Extended Access Lists (11. 2. 2a) 464Task 1: Configure the Host Name and Passwords on the GAD Router 464 Task 2: Configure the Hosts on the Ethernet Segment 465 Task 3: Save the Configuration Information from Privileged EXEC Command Mode 465 Task 4: Confirm Connectivity by Pinging the Default Gateway from Both Hosts 465 Task 5: Connect to the Router Using the Web Browser 465 xxvi Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Task 6: Prevent Access to HTTP (P ort 80) from the Ethernet Interface Hosts 465 Task 7: Apply the ACL to the Interface 465 Task 8: Ping the Router from the Hosts 465 Task 9: Connect to the Router Using the Web Browser 466Task 10: Telnet to the Router from the Hosts 466 Lab 11-4: Simple Extended Access Lists (11. 2. 2b) 467 Task 1: Perform Basic Router and Host Configurations 468 Task 2: Prevent the Production Users from Accessing the Gadsden Network 470 Task 3: Allow a Production User Access to the Gadsden Network 472 Task 4: Allow Gadsden Users Access to the Administration Payroll Server 473 Task 5: Document the ACL 474 Lab 11-5: Configuring a Named Access List (11. 2. 3a) 477 Task 1: Configure the Hostname and Passwords on the GAD Router 478 Task 2: Configure the Hosts on the Ethernet Segment 478Task 3: Save the Configuration Information from Privileged EXEC Command Mode 479 Task 4: Confirm Connectivity by Pinging the Default Gateway from Both Hosts 479 Task 5: Prevent Access to the Ethernet Interface from the Hos ts 479 Task 6: Ping the router from the Hosts 480 Task 7: Apply the ACL to the Interface 480 Task 8: Ping the Router from the Hosts 480 Lab 11-6: Simple DMZ Extended Access Lists (11. 2. 3b) 481 Task 1: Perform Basic Router and Host Configurations 482 Task 2: Protect the Corporate Network 486 Task 3: Protect the DMZ Network 490 Task 4: Deter Spoofing 495 Task 5: Document the ACL 498Lab 11-7: Multiple Access Lists Functions (11. 2. 3c) 502 Task 1: Perform Basic Router Interconnection 503 Task 2: Design the Internetwork Addressing Scheme 504 Task 3: Perform Basic Router Configuration 504 Task 4: Configre the Clients 505 Task 5: Secure the Intranet Server 505 Task 6: Secure the Intranet Documents 506 Task 7: Deter Internet Abuse 506 Task 8: Deter DoS Attacks 507 Task 9: Stop Telnet into the Routers 508 Task 10: Verify the Access Lists 509 Lab 11-8: VTY Restriction (11. 2. 6) 510 Task 1: Perform Basic Router Interconnection 511 Task 2: Perform Basic Configuration 511Task 3: Create the A ccess List That Represents the Gadsden LAN 511 Task 4: Apply the Access List to Permit Only the Gadsden LAN 511 Task 5: Test the Restriction 512 xxvii Task 6: Create the Restrictions for the BHM Router 513 Task 7: Document the ACL 514 Comprehensive Lab 11-9: Standard, Extended, and Named ACLs 518 Task 1: Cable and Document the Lab 518 Task 2: Router, Routing, and PC Configuration 519 Task 3: Verify and Troubleshoot Your Network Configuration 524 Task 4: Configure and Verify Access Control Lists 525 Challenge Lab 11-10a: Three Routers with Multiple ACL Configurations (Form A) 533Task 1: Cable the Lab 534 Task 2: Router, Routing, and PC Configuration 534 Task 3: Verify and Troubleshoot Your Network Configuration 534 Task 4: Configure and Verify Access Control Lists 535 Challenge Lab 11-10b: Three Routers with Multiple ACL Configurations (Form B) 541 Task 1: Cable the Lab 542 Task 2: Router, Routing, and PC Configuration 542 Task 3: Verify and Troubleshoot Your Network Configuration 54 2 Task 4: Configure and Verify Access Control Lists 543 Appendix A: CCNA 2 Skills-Based Assessment Practice Appendix B: Router Interface Summary Appendix C: Erasing and Reloading the Router 557 559 551 xxviiiRouters and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide Icons Used in This Book Communication Server PC PC with Software Terminal File Server Macintosh Access Server ISDN/Frame Relay Switch Cisco Works Workstation ATM Switch Modem Sun Workstation Token Ring Token Ring Printer Laptop Web Server IBM Mainframe Front End Processor Cluster Controller Multilayer Switch FDDI Gateway Router Network Cloud Bridge Line: Ethernet Hub Line: Serial DSU/CSU DSU/CSU FDDI Catalyst Switch Line: Switched Serial Command Syntax Conventions The conventions that present command syntax in this book are the same conventions used in the IOS Command Reference.The Command Reference describes these conventions as follows:  ¦ Bold indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as shown. In actua l configuration examples and output (not general command syntax), bold indicates commands that are manually input by the user (such as a show command).  ¦ Italic indicates arguments for which you supply actual values.  ¦ Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.  ¦ Square brackets ([ ] ) indicate optional elements.  ¦ Braces ({ }) indicate a required choice.  ¦ Braces within brackets ([{ }] ) indicate a required choice within an optional element. xxix IntroductionRouters and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide is a supplement to your classroom and laboratory experience with the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Specifically, this book covers the second of four courses. To be successful in this course and achieve your CCNA certification, you should do everything possible to arm yourself with a variety of tools and training materials to support your learning efforts. This book is just such a collection of tools. Used to its fullest extent, i t can help you gain the knowledge as well as practice the skills associated with the content area of the CCNA 2 Routers and Routing Basics course.Specifically, this book can help you work on these main areas of CCNA 2:  ¦ Configuring a router  ¦ Managing the Cisco IOS  ¦ Selecting a routing protocol  ¦ Verifying and troubleshooting a network  ¦ Implementing basic security with access control lists Books similar to this one are also available for the other three courses: Networking Basics CCNA 1 Labs and Study Guide, Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing CCNA 3 Labs and Study Guide, and WAN Technologies CCNA 4 Labs and Study Guide. Goals and Methods One of the most important goals of this book is to help you prepare for either the CCNA exam (640-801) or the INTRO exam (640-821).Whether you are studying for the full exam or the first part of your CCNA, passing either of these exams means that you not only have the required knowledge of the technologies covered by the exa m, but that you can also plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot these technologies. In other words, these exams are rigorously application-based. In fact, if you view the main objectives for the CCNA exam at http://www. cisco. com/go/certifications, you can see the following four categories of objectives:  ¦ Planning & Design  ¦ Implementation & Operation  ¦ Troubleshooting  ¦ TechnologyAlthough Technology is listed last, a CCNA student cannot possibly plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot networks without first fully grasping the technology. So you must devote large amounts of time and effort in the Study Guide section of each chapter, learning the concepts and theories before applying them in the Lab Exercises. The Study Guide section offers exercises that help you learn the concepts and configurations that are crucial to your success as a CCNA exam candidate. Each chapter is slightly different and includes some or all of the following types of exe rcises:  ¦Vocabulary Matching and Completion  ¦ Skill-Building Activities and Scenarios  ¦ Configuration Scenarios  ¦ Concept Questions  ¦ Journal Entries  ¦ Internet Research xxx Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Labs and Study Guide The Lab Exercises section includes a Command Reference table, all the online Curriculum Labs, and new Comprehensive Labs and Challenge Labs. The Curriculum Labs typically walk you through the configuration tasks step by step. The Comprehensive Labs include many, if not all, of the configuration tasks of the Curriculum Labs without actually providing you with the commands.The Challenge Labs take this a step further, often giving you only a general requirement that you must implement fully without the details of each small step. In other words, you must use the knowledge and skills you gained in the Curriculum Labs to successfully complete the Comprehensive and Challenge Labs. In fact, you should not attempt the Comprehensive or Challenge lab s until you have worked through all the Study Guide activities and the Curriculum Labs. Avoid the temptation to work through the Comprehensive and Challenge Labs by flipping back through the Curriculum Labs when you are unsure of a command.Do not try to short-change your CCNA training. You need a deep understanding of CCNA knowledge and skills to ultimately be successful on the CCNA exam. How This Book Is Organized Because the content of Routers and Routing Basics CCNA 2 Companion Guide and the online course is sequential, you should work through this book in order, beginning with Chapter 1. Chapters 1 through 11 cover the following topics: Chapter 1, â€Å"WANs and Routers†Ã¢â‚¬â€After presenting a few vocabulary exercises covering the topic of WANs, this chapter delves into the internal and external components of routers.Understanding how a router works and how you connect to a router are important concepts and skills you need throughout the rest of your CCNA studies. The three Curriculum Labs focus your attention on connecting LANs and WANs using routers. An additional Challenge Lab helps you review the skills learned in the Curriculum Labs. Chapter 2, â€Å"Introduction to Routers†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter discusses the basics of using the command-line interface (CLI). Several exercises help you solidify your skills with using the CLI.In addition, you work through exercises that focus on understanding the router boot sequence and interpreting output from the show version command. The three Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter. Two additional labs, a Comprehensive Lab and Challenge Lab, help you review the commands and skills learned in the Curriculum Labs. Chapter 3, â€Å"Configuring a Router†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter first focuses on basic router configuraion, including learning the commands that every router uses as well as activating interfaces and setting up basic routing.Then your attentio n turns to file-management issues: backing up the configuration and the IOS. The ten Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the router configuration and file-management tasks covered in the chapter. Two additional labs, a Comprehensive Lab and Challenge Lab, help you review the commands and skills learned in the Curriculum Labs. Chapter 4, â€Å"Learning About Other Devices†Ã¢â‚¬â€The Cisco IOS software offers a powerful tool for gathering information about other directly connected devices through its Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).This chapter’s exercises center your attention on the benefits of using CDP as a network engineer. Other commands, including telnet and traceroute, are also part of your tool kit for learning about other network devices. So you spend some time on these as well. The eight Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter. Two additional Comprehensive Labs help you review the commands and skills learned i n the Curriculum Labs. Chapter 5, â€Å"Managing Cisco IOS Software†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter examines in detail how a router boots and loads the IOS.Knowing the default boot sequence as well as how to change the sequence is an important part of your network engineer’s skill set. Exercises focus on the boot sequence, the boot system commands, the configuration register, the IOS naming convention, and methods for uploading and downloading an IOS. The six Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter. An additional Challenge Lab helps you review the commands and skills learned in the Curriculum Labs. xxxi Chapter 6, â€Å"Routing and Routing Protocols†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter covers a crucial topic for any CCNA candidate: routing.Exercises focus on reading routing table output from the show ip route command, using static routing, choosing a routing protocol, understanding dynamic routing, and learning basic Routing Information Proto col (RIP) configuration. The Curriculum Lab focuses your attention on configuring static routes. Two additional labs, a Comprehensive Lab and Challenge Lab, help you review the commands and skills learned in the chapter. Chapter 7, â€Å"Distance Vector Routing Protocols†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter covers how distance vector routing avoids loops.In addition, you extend your skills in configuring RIP and you learn some valuable troubleshooting tools. The seven Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter. Two additional labs, a Comprehensive Lab and Challenge Lab, help you review the commands and skills learned in the chapter. Chapter 8, â€Å"TCP/IP Suite Error and Control Messages†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter takes a brief look at the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). A basic understanding of the IP packet header and the most important ICMP messages are covered.There are no labs in this chapter. Chapter 9, â€Å"Basic Router Trouble shooting†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter focuses exclusively on your troubleshooting skills. For a major part of the CCNA exam, you must be proficient at troubleshooting a simple internetwork. Exercises include dissecting a routing table entry, knowing troubleshooting steps, matching a problem to the correct layer, and reviewing the most powerful show and debug commands. The seven Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter.An additional Challenge Lab helps you review the commands and skills learned in the Curriculum Labs. Chapter 10, â€Å"Intermediate TCP/IP†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter is mostly a review of material covered in your CCNA 1 studies. Exercises include learning vocabulary, reviewing TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) segments, understanding port numbers, and comparing Layers 2, 3 and 4. The two Curriculum Labs focus your attention on how port numbers work to allow multiple sessions for the same host or application. Chapter 11, à ¢â‚¬Å"Access Control Lists (ACLs)†Ã¢â‚¬â€This chapter covers the fundamentals of access control lists.Having a basic understanding of ACLs and knowing how to implement them are crucial to your success on the CCNA exam and in the networking field. Therefore, the exercises in this chapter are extensive. First, you work through some exercises that help you understand what ACLs are and how they operate. Then you work through eight ACL configuration exercises and scenarios that focus on CCNA-level security implementations. The eight Curriculum Labs focus your attention on the configuration tasks covered in the chapter. An additional Challenge Lab helps you review the commands and skills learned in the Curriculum Labs.Appendix A, â€Å"CCNA 2 Skills-Based Assessment Practice†Ã¢â‚¬â€This appendix contains a practice lab for the Skills-Based Assessment in which you are required to demonstrate all the skills covered in the CCNA 2 course. Appendix B, â€Å"Router Interface Sum mary†Ã¢â‚¬â€This appendix provides a chart of the router interface identifiers that you need for the curriculum-based labs in each chapter. Appendix C, â€Å"Erasing and Reloading the Router†Ã¢â‚¬â€This appendix guides you through the procedure for clearing out previous configurations and starting with an unconfigured router for use in the Curriculum Labs in each chapter. This page intentionally left blank

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Research Study On Stem Cell Research Essays -- Stem cell, Embryonic st

Stem cell research is an extremely hot topic issue that is being discussed in the world for the present day. Many churches and people who are defined by the term rationalists tend to be very against the use of stem cells for research. There are two main types of stem cells that are prevalent in the science world right now which include both adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Religious groups tend to lean more towards the use of adult stem cells for research because of the moral issue behind the use of embryonic stem cells. In order to use an embryonic stem cell for research you must first destroy the embryo. In many religions, life begins at conception so the development of that embryo is considered to be life. Thus, the destruction of that embryo would be conside erg believes that science should play an important role in the advancement of society no matter where it falls in the issue of morality. Heisenberg says in this passage that modern science could make it easie r for people to believe if they saw it firsthand rather than just believing the bible. In conclusion, stem cell research is a very important issue that is being debated in the world during the modern day. Throughout recent years many intelligent minds have debated the morality of the use of embryonic cells over the use of adult stem cells. Over the course of history there have been a wide variety of people including Galileo and Heisenberg whom I believe would have had a very strong personal opinion on this subject. Although each author is from a different time period I believe that both would agree stem cell research on embryonic stem cells should be done.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MLA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MLA - Essay Example Michael scores rather high marks in the first category of Need for Achievement. He is always optimistic and very self-sufficient. He is self-employed, does his own cooking, repairs his automobile, and maintains a garden. Even when he is facing a hardship, he has the forward-looking drive to see his plans through and let nature run its course. As an example, whenever he does something, whether baking a cake or fixing a car, he always goes out of his way to attend to details that are almost trivial. Yet, that is what it takes to be an enterprising individual. He is a perfectionist and an over achiever that is seldom swayed from the task at hand. In the second category, Need for Independence and Autonomy, Michael would be considered extremely enterprising. He is self-employed in a one-man business and always does all the work himself without any outside or hired help. He is very determined and never gets rattled by pressure or unexpected events. He dislikes taking orders, though I have always attributed that to his short stint in the military. Michael does his own thing according to his own schedule. Michael also has the Creative Tendencies required to be a successful enterpriser. He writes poetry, short stories, and is working on a novel. In addition, he plays several musical instruments and has written over 200 songs. Every time I see Michael, he is telling me about some new idea for a product whose patent will gain him fame and fortune. However, while his writing is very good, he has only very limited success. His songs languish in his mind and never make it into the studio or in front of the record producers. His ideas are soon forgotten as he moves on to the next blockbuster. Michael has the creativity to be enterprising, but something must be holding him back. Michael is a risk taker, but is careful not to put too much on the line at once. While I have seen him leave a good job to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Where do we want to be, how do we get there and when do we know we Essay

Where do we want to be, how do we get there and when do we know we have arrived(case studyof stora enso. - Essay Example marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing objectives.† A marketing strategy significantly involves â€Å"specific strategies for target markets, positioning, the marketing mix and the marketing expenditure levels (Kotler 2001).† Each of the areas of the marketing strategy should be crafted so as to complement each other. This paper will craft a marketing strategy for Stora Enso by understanding the company’s objectives. The first part will introduce Stora Enso by a brief corporate profile. In order to asses the efficient marketing strategies to be utilized, the next section will identify strategic marketing objectives using management tools after which specific strategies will be developed. The paper will then discuss the implementation plan of the strategy. This report will conclude with its specific findings and further recommendations. An appendix showing the company’s thrusts in sustainable operation and marketing is presented. Stora Enso is an international wood products company which is engaged in the provision of customer-focused solutions to industry and trade internationally. Stora Enso is basically a Finnish-Swedish pulp and paper manufacturer which was the product of the merger between Swedish mining and forestry products company Stora and Finish forestry products company Stora. The company’s broad product line ranges from sawn softwood to top-class multicolor printing paper. Stora Enso’s comprehensive selection includes publication papers, graphic products, office papers, packaging boards, specialty papers, pulp, timber, forest and other specialty products. The company currently employs 45, 000 employees and is recognized as the fifth largest pulp and paper manufacturer in terms of revenue (Wikipedia 2006). The starting point of crafting an efficient and appropriate strategy for Stora Enso is the formulation of the marketing strategic objectives that the company wants to achieve. It is after defining the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Data Mining Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Data Mining - Assignment Example Raw data that is stored in the business corporate database increase day by day and as time passes. This is from various numerous credit and cash transactions in the company which is measured in gigabytes or terabytes. This data is usually stored in the centralized database; the raw data does not provide much information. Data warehousing Companies have decided to store their data and invest in a tremendous resource. The information and data on their potential and current customers is stored in this data houses as they are becoming part of the technology. These warehouses are used in consolidation of data which is located in the desperate databases. This data houses store stores usually stores large quantities of data on categories for easier and faster retrieval and interpretation by users. They also enable business managers and executives to store and retrieve large amounts of transactions, and the data required in responding to markets and make more informed business ideas and deci sions. Better decision making When the best and available data are collected, data analysis are performed and the most appropriate predictive model is created which results in better understanding on the customers reactions and behaviors towards the marketing programs and reasons for leaving the business. To add on this, various models may results in increased funds success, late payments and reduced bad loans. The good predictive analytics aids businesses in the use of information of previous events to project on new future projects and a good outcome (Olson & Delen, 2008). These are pattern based predictions which are based, on the interrelations between elements of data that cannot be seen on a spreadsheet analysis which leads to a good decision and accurate information. Data mining is a powerful tool which makes it good for business analytics, and the models utilizing procedures to bring about deserving results in customer service. It is also easy to determine which good have be en sold and the resulting reactions from customers with increased abundance of data and information, and the growing interrelationship in departmental functions. The processing of customers response can also be time consuming and demanding, labor intensive and expensive in terms of the company staff and this makes its predictive analytic activity to enhance the discovery of products sold to customers. Web mining This technique involves data mining processes such clustering, prediction and the modeling of the differences that analyzes the results of intermediate action, in addition to this, apart from data mining, web mining is a dependent of a real time system that invokes targeted offers on behalf of a process which can be up selling and customer retention and requirement analysis from the customers. This also supports individual marketing of customers based on horizontally collected data in numerous data sources as various transactions occurs. In web mining, real time data process es are identified across all transactions with customers and hence an instance feedback is obtained and hence is the best tool to prevent anomalies and fraud. Clustering This is the method of which data items are grouped in data mining according to their logical relationships on consumer preferences this data is mined to prove market segments or consumer affinities (Han & Kamber, 2006). The most important

Resentment and the Genealogy of Morals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Resentment and the Genealogy of Morals - Essay Example This essay discusses that the concept proves crucial to the sociological and cultural dynamic that pervades modernity. The consequences of this "feeling" are nefarious and multi-faceted. One such consequence allows confidence men or con artists to gain significant leverage and traction in contemporary society. In order to explicate this condition in society, this paper will first examine the theoretical features of slave morality and ressentiment as outlined by Nietzsche. Next, an inquiry into how these phenomena manifest itself in society in such a way to promulgate the appearance of such individuals and the reasons for their success. To this end, a presentation of Herman Melville's work, The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade will be presented in order elucidate the types and operating structures of con artists and confidence games. In conjunction, it will be important to discuss what archetypes Nietzsche defines such as the "Priest," the "Philosopher" and the "Artist" in reference to con artists while simultaneously highlighting the features of the con artists' mark, which will be shown to be the herd. In doing so this paper will show that the techniques con artists deploy in order to become effective are not significantly different from those deployed by Nietzsche's archetypes. It is understood that Nietzsche's genealogical method has been incisively criticized; nevertheless, Nietzsche's program does offer a worthwhile perspective in which to analyze the interplay between the con and the mark. One might question the leveraging of a fictional text, Melville's in order to explicate a real cultural phenomenon, the existence of con artists. Nietzsche's arguments as they are presented offer a mytho-tectonic analysis of the semiotic manifestation of the Slave and Master moralities. Insofar that these manifestations have occurred in society is without doubt; however, the true affectivity of the symbols lies in their ability to manipulate and massage the consciousnesses of individuals in that society and nowhere is the documentation that symbolic manipulation more evident than in the literary efforts of humanity. He articulates more fully the characteristics of Slave and Master Moralities in his work Beyond Good and Evil. They both revolve around their respective abilities to "will to power," this creative/destructive force which drives all human activity. Slave morality and the concept of morality must be understood broadly here to include all kinds of human activity, represent the behaviors of those who are unable to will their own desires directly and must "get around" as it were through subversion and cunning. The essence of Master morality is nobility. Actions are judged by their value or non-value for the master himself. In slave morality, actions are judged by their intention, namely their intention to harm or not harm the slave.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Goodfellas Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Goodfellas - Movie Review Example In this essay I will be looking at how Goodfellas conforms to the Hollywood tradition of using the film noir style in conveying a gangster story, as well as how it differs from the tradition. The story begins by showing a Brooklyn kid's desire to be a gangster as a respected means to the American Dream; a life choice no different from wanting to be a fireman. Of course the boy's parents did not agree and he was starting fires, not putting them out. This was the movies first difference from the film noir approach. This is more light-hearted than usually portrayed by film makers of crime dramas. The story goes on to tell of how the boy forewent normal school to learn the dos and don'ts of the mob. Although crime was definitely shown in Goodfellas, it was presented as being rewarding and mutually beneficial to all involved. It was presented as an opportunity open to anyone smart enough to get involved. That included crossing guards, truck drivers and cops. The narrator referred to it as glories times. Presenting crime with crossing moms from the elementary school, not just rough looking bad guys, reinforced the lighter touch to a crime drama. There was strong comedy included in the beginning and continued throughout the film. When violence was depicted there was a break in the action, often a pause, not to prolong the violence but to somewhat soften the impact or shock value. As most movies do, the music played a memorable role in presenting the scene. The music gave an upbeat to the movie. The songs if heard on the radio will bring the movie to mind. Often in traditional film noir the music catered drama and suspense to the movie. In the tradition of film noir the Goodfellas appealed the public's fascination with criminals and their life style. Goodfellas, is the story of Henry Hill, his family, and associates. Because facts in the story are verifiable, the fascination to the movie was stronger. The main character, Henry Hill was portrayed as a goodfella who simply sold a "little" drugs, cheated a "little" on his wife, lied a "little" to those who trusted him, stole as much as he could, but never really hurt anyone. So he really was not a bad guy. This allowed the audience to give him favor and want to see him come out unscathed. These things were excepted behavior. For most of guys in the movie, killing got to be accepted. Henry never spoke of or was shown killing anyone, which again is not normal film noir style. Another avenue most gangster movies explore is one of cultures. Whether it is an Italian, Irish, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Jamaican, or African gang, cultural differences and traditions are always addressed. Culture was included as part of the traditional film noir style. In this film it was Italian and Irish cultures. It was mentioned throughout the movie to explain a deeper meaning of different scenes. Centered in most gangster movies that follow the film noir style are conflicts involving self interest, morality, legality and the very thin line drawn between them. Goodfellas was not an exception to this rule. This was the theme of the movie. From beginning to the end the narrator spoke of what was acceptable in protecting one's own interest and the interest of the mob. His first pinched was celebrated because he did not rat on his friends. Paulie understood what was done while in prison to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Iran Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Iran - Term Paper Example It immediate neighbors are the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan. Aside from being a country with religious belief that is centered in theocracy, the nation is also featured with historic and beautiful resource such as the Caspian Sea, prominently known as world’s largest lake as well as the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea at the southern part of the country (Sahar, 2007). The Caspian sea stretched over the coast at 650 kilometers while the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea covered 1,770 kilometers (Sahar, 2007). Iran’s terrains are mountainous. A large portion of it is arable while about 10.4% of it is used for agriculture. About 6% of the land area is used as pasteurized area. The northern coastal side is forested which consist to about 4.5% of the total land area (Sahar, 2007). It has two prominent mountain ranges. These are Alborz Mountain Range with the highest peak of. 5671 meters above sea level and it geographically located near Tehran ( Sahar, 2007). The other Zagros Mountain Range which stretched across the southern part of the country with a peak of of about 4000 meters above sea level. The dessert part of the country is located at the eastern parts which are named Dasht-e-Kavir and Kavir-e-Lut (Sahar, 2007). Iran’s capital city is Tehran with an estimated population of 14 million pesos. The city is also visited with about 4 million people from neighboring communities. Recently, the areas of Arak, Ahvaz, Esfehan, Kerman, Shiraz, Tabriz, and Mashad of Iran have become an emerging industrial zone (Sahar, 2007). Iran climate vary. The Caspian coastal plain is humid through out the year with an altitude that is almost sea level. The high altitude, which is populated, has winter time that is often at the rate below the freezing point. The central and eastern parts have seasonally climatic difference which fit to its arid and semi-arid condition (Sahar, 2007). Meanwhile, the coastal side of Iran enjoys mild wint ers but with a temperature which increases every summer period. The latter can even reached at 48Â ° C sometimes in the summer of July (Sahar, 2007). People and Culture Iran is resided with people whose quantitative growth rate exceed to about 3.1% annually. These days, there are now estimated populations of 66 million Iranian people. Modernization also encouraged most of them to migrate and dwell in urban areas for more economic benefits (Sahar, 2007). Iran is also home for indigenous people. Historians relate that natives have dwelt the country since 550 BC. Natives here are dubbed as Achaemenians but have live up to Iranian identify albeit their historical beginnings. Other ethnicities here include Persians, Azeries, Kurds, Baluchis, Lurs, Turkmans, Arabs, Jews, Armenians and Assyrians among Iranians (Sahar, 2007). As the country is composed of multi-ethnic tribes, people vary with their native tongues. However, Iran’s official language is Farsi (Parsi), also known as mod ern Persian. Farsi also used as medium of education and administration, although provincial media network used the mother tongues as mode of communicating reports. Other dialects used by natives are Kurdish, Lurish, Baluchis, Taleshi, Gilaki and Mazandarani (Sahar, 2007). Often, these dialects are spoken differently in every village. Some Iranian however, specially those who earned foreign education, speaks Indo-European language except for

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Transcendence and morality Essay Example for Free

Transcendence and morality Essay Therefore, while accommodating God in the growing consumer market, the Church has marketed God as a commodity. A product becoming familiar to most of the consumers day by day is becoming equally dispensable. A market where consumer is considered sovereign, God’s status is at stakes. With the loss of His objectivity and transcendence, the God of today has become weightless. He proposes that the church must distance itself from modernization and keep up with the spirit of God as an other self and an objective transcendent Being. The very idea of giving in to traditions is in its very essence against the idea of ecclesiastics. He believes that if the church of the sixteenth century can reform, so does the church of today. CRITICAL INTERACTION WITH THE AUTHOR’S WORK. According to David Wells, the seductive cultural currents of the modern world are not only fruitless but they have increasingly robbed humans of their past appetite for transcendence and morality. The growing trends of inwardliness are disconnecting individuals from their outside world. In order to find significance to their existence, modern individuals are delving more and more to their inner potentials, rather than looking out upon some other greater source of inspiration. This personalized view of morality is making it a variable. Rather than a fixed code to which every individual had to comply with. Personalized moral values are creating mere confusion. The worst form of this seduction is evident in the new Evangelicalism. Modern Church has turned therapeutic and managerial in its operations and has adopted shifting market trends. The wasteland where God has been proclaimed to be dead, as proposed by Nietzsche almost half a century earlier, He is kept alive only in an etherized state, vulnerable at our expense. Chip M. Anderson holds a similar view point and says, â€Å"Even if the evangelical community has not quite buried God, we certainly have tamed Him. We have refashioned Him into the image of an omnipotent Friend or divine Psychologist who champions our full potential. This, in turn, has led to a new focus for measuring spirituality. † Wells describes the ways in which Church has popularized itself and is convinced that the â€Å"Church is paying a high price for all its success †. With its preoccupations for building mega structures the Church is loosing its basic essence of Christianity. He condemns Barna’s Church proposal that explains the techniques through which Church can capture religious market. According to Barna, â€Å"Like it or not, the Church is not only in a market but is itself a business† . Wells explains the way in which the new Evangelic are making the Church an enterprise, headed by entrepreneurs and managers, rather than by God and Christ. In order to achieve their aim to multiply in number, the entrepreneurs are trying hard to adjust God in the modern world. They promote God more as a product and the followers as customers. This he explains is not a healthy ideal for it makes God powerless. â€Å"When the consumer is sovereign,† he adds, â€Å"the product (in this case God Himself) must be subservient† . Wells proposal is to objectify God and promote His otherness as a Being apart from the personal self. This he believes is the only way out to defeat the modern culture of subjectivity and disorder. In a world where there is an appetite for God but a common disenchantment towards theology and scriptures, Wells believes otherwise. He thinks that a strong theology is needed as an anti thesis to post modern cultural trends. This in its very form is what the Evangelicalism was all about initially. Compromising with dominating circumstances can not be the case with God’s Word. Another writer has well said, â€Å"Therefore, even if it means swimming against the current of this age, a genuine return to the original proclamation and apologetic of the New Testament is the only lifeguard for rescuing imperiled human rationality and for reviving the souls of our contemporaries who are drowning in the depth of postmodern pointlessness and despair † Wells vision of the future is made of mixed sentiments. The young seminaries as Wells observe take theology and scriptures seriously but they do explicit current trends of self being locus for intellectual combat. In an over all analysis David F. Wells creates a balanced critique on the modern society and its eventual corruption of Church. Though most part of the book is preoccupied with its critical evaluation of modern world and Church, supported with a number of contemporary analysis, nowhere does the book becomes boring. Taking the problem of the Church a little further, this volume promises other sequels to come to deal with the issues presented. CONCLUSION David Wells has convincingly presented his evangelical concerns, which might not be appreciated by premodern sensibilities. The strength of his critique is its focus on the perils of modern way of living. Wells has successfully restrained from criticizing unnecessarily. This makes his work even more effective. He compels his readers to think of the future of the church beyond the present reality. I believe that wells have been successful in creating a volume that provides an objective insight and is equally thought provoking. His suggested reforms might be hard to achieve in the modern world, but are actually in essence with the true spirit of Christianity. The revival of a bold theology and its implications is a concern not conclusively debated in this volume; however, the issues are further discussed in his next volumes

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

John Locke And 18th Century Materialists Philosophy Essay

John Locke And 18th Century Materialists Philosophy Essay John Locke, the British philosopher and physician, is considered to be one of the most prominent figures of the Age of Enlightenment; he is also sometimes referred to as the Father of Liberalism. Drawing on the philosophical principles of Francis Bacon, his predecessor, and the progress of contemporary natural science with what it could offer philosophy in terms of contributing to its progress John Locke developed the theory of empiricism that had a profound influence on French materialists of the Enlightenment Age. In his first book Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke laid down his major principles of the human mind being what can be described as tabula rasa, a blank on which people write what they acquire from their experience. He contrasted his major principle of cognition to Descartes ideas of innatism claiming people would not be able not to recognize the existence of such ideas if only they possessed them. Lockes also referred to the way different people learn throughout their lives, and how basic principles they are guided with vary for different people and at different periods of time. As human experience is the only source of knowledge, people depend on their senses in acquiring knowledge. Thus Lockes theory is also known as sensualism. According to Locke, the experience should be seen as either external or internal. The former, also called sensation, provides us with what we know about the objects of the external world (or what we suppose to be such, as there is no evidence, according to Locke, of their actual physical existence). These can be, for example, sounds, motion, color, size, etc. The internal experience, or reflection, is expressed in such human processes as knowing, believing, doubting etc., all of which are related to our internal operations of the spirit caused by the influence of objects. Also, Locke discriminates between simple and complex sensations and reflections, depending on whether they can be reduced to more simple elements (e.g. rotundity) or they are such that cannot be reduced to more simple components. Complex ideas that we have about complex elements can be also distinguished into three groups: ideas of substance, ideas of mode and ideas of relationship. The first group includes certain simple ideas of a given object that has its core characteristics; the ideas of mode are a combination of ideas presented by human mind, which are the reflection of the mode or features of existing things. The ideas of relationship derive from human comparison of ideas and may include certain relationship and cause or other types of relations. Besides, Locke stipulated the existence of general ideas that come as a result of isolating the universal, abstract idea from the actual object due to its being common to several sensations. Thus the humans collect abstract ideas, which are regarded as the cognitive process of nominalization. Having given a detailed theory of human cognition process, John Locke emphasized the value of education by claiming that he thought that it may be said that of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten were what they were, good or evil, useful or not, were made by their education. (Locke, 1979). It is important to see what implications Lockes ideas had for ethics and political theory both of his contemporaries and further periods of human history. In his ethical principles Locke approaches Rationalism. As there are no innate moral ideas human well-being becomes the key the criterion of moral actions. Human experience demonstrates that all people try to find more pleasure and avoid pain. Yet if people are rational in their pursuit of pleasure they will come to principles of cooperation that will result in the general happiness and welfare coinciding with individual emotions. Therefore it is in the best interests of people to think of others, to be focused on general good, both in terms of their daily routine and what may come after their lives in this world. Locke supported religious freedom (being himself born into a Puritan family) and was against dogmatic approach to religious principles emphasizing on the ethical principles of Christianity. Specifically focusing on tolera nce, Locke rejected atheism and Roman Catholicism. Those ideas and principles expressed by an outstanding philosopher that were probably most valued by different people and prominent political leaders in different countries are those associated with political theories. Locke postulated that all people were created equal (the principle referred to by the US Constitution and its founders expressing their admiration of Locke). No person had the right over other persons life, health, liberty, or possessions. The state had to be result of peoples concession and had to be guided by natural laws. Rights of property had to be valued, and each person had to exercise his or her right over the products of their labor. Therefore Locke is justly looked upon as the founder of liberalism in politics, with his influence extending far to other thinkers and their theories. Similarly to Locke, La Mettrie was a man with broad academic background typical for great thinkers of his time. He, like Locke, also found his main opponent in the personality of Rene Descartes contrasting his principles to the latters principles of rationalism, or truth through knowledge. For La Mettrie truth came through experience, and this principle of empiricism makes him what can be described as Lockes disciple. Another point of debate was that Descartes claimed animals were machines. La Mettrie argues with Descartes about what he termed as an absurd system. In his best-known work Man a Machine, though, La Mettrie comes closer to principles of Descartes who considered the soul as a separate entity from the body and denied the soul in men, thus recognizing only the mind, which, according to him, was merely a function of the brain. Further in his book, La Mettrie surveyed the philosophy of materialism and atheism. In contrast to John Lockes principles, La Mettrie denied that the natural world could serve as the evidence of God. According to him, all the evidences of a creator, repeated thousands and thousands of times, were the evidences that placed far above the comprehension of men. The natural consequence is his next idea that life might be completely without purpose. La Mettrie considered the essence and attributes of matter. He claimed that its main property was the ability to move. This feature is universal for describing any objects in the world and therefore can be hardly argued with. For La Mettrie the human soul was not more than the physical functions of the body not proved by any evidence of physiology. Being consistent in applying his theories to humans La Mettrie brought to the maximum the principles of the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Having the medical academic background, La Mettrie cited examples from anatomy, physiology, and psychology showing the functions of the body as the basis of what philosophers considered to be a soul. His claim was that people were so closely related to animals that there hardly was a difference between them. La Mettries man was organic, self-moving (as part of any matter), active; the philosopher made no distinction between conscious, or voluntary movement and unconscious, or instinctive move ment. Other important implications of La Mettries theory were those connected to moral issues. He viewed the moral problems as something that needed to be associated with physiological nature of human beings. For him the good and the evil were merely arbitrarily notions constructed social structures out of their own interests and with the aim of serving their own needs, which not only could not be corroborate by natural science but also contradicted it and the nature of an individual. La Mettrie went as far as stating that by recognizing the arbitrary nature of moral principles developed by mankind and its institutions people would get better chances of getting happiness for them and accept wider frameworks of behavior patterns. According to him, the society could not dispose of its members that their behavior aimed at personal happiness was contrary to its principles. The objects of La Mettrie acute criticism was in particular Christianity as a moral systems, because he believed that it was based on an adequate and distorted principles of addressing the human nature. La Mettrie philosophy can be seen as starting from John Lockes basic principles of empiricism, sensualim and liberalism but then departing from them far enough to get to atheism and the kind of materialism that exaggerated the physiological nature of human beings, underestimating the principles of their social behavior and thus reducing them to creatures not bound by moral principles or social laws.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Clash Of The Titans | Film Review

Clash Of The Titans | Film Review The film Clash of the Titans (2010), directed by Louis Leterrier, is a serious battle for power between men and kings, and kings and gods. However, the battle of gods themselves could devastate the world. Perseus (Sam Worthinfton), a demigod brought up as a man, is powerless to put away his family from Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the unforgiving god of the underworld, who feeds himself from human fear. Perseus put himself upfront to organize a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he could overthrow Zeus (Liam Neeson) and expose hell on earth. Leading a group of courageous men, Perseus heads off on a dangerous journey into the heart of forbidden worlds. Fighting with worldly demons and fearsome beasts, he will only go beyond this challenge once he recognizes his power as a god and disregards his fate and create his own destiny. The film begins with a narration portraying the three Olympians who fought the Titans in the past: Zeus, Poseidon (Danny Huston) and Hades. Hades showed their way of conquering the Titans with his own creation, the Kraken, a giant sea monster. After the fall of the Titans, Zeus created humans and lead them while Poseidon governs the sea, On the other hand, Hades who have been betrayed by his brother Zeus, was forced to lead the Underworld and discovers an unusual way to have his power from humans that was different from his brothers gaining theirs from prayers. For him, he can obtain power through human fear. Thousand years later, Spyros (Pete Postlethwaite), a fisherman, comes across with a coffin floating in the sea, where he found a baby, Perseus, lies together with his dead mother, Danae. The fisherman comes to a decision of bringing up Perseus as his own son. Years passed, Perseus and his family are in the sea, fishing together when they saw a group of soldiers from the army of Argos tearing down a statue of Zeus as a proclamation of war against the gods. Hades reveals himself and orders harpies to kill the soldiers. Moreover, as he sees the fishing boat of the family of Perseus, he also destroyes it and sinks into the middle of the sea. As Perseus tries to rescue his family, without any reason, the surviving soldiers of Argos detain Perseus back to their homeland. During the feast for the soldiers who survived the battle, King Cepheus (Vincent Regan) and Queen Cassiopeia (Polly Walker) of Argos are differentiating themselves together with their daughter, Andromeda (Alexa Davalos), t o the gods to protect their kingdom. Moreover, after persuading his brother to loose the monster on humankind to reprimand them for their disobedience, Hades shows himself in the courtroom before executing the remaining soldiers while Perseus is untouched. Hades reveals that Perseus is a demigod son of Zeus. He also warns that if Princess Andromeda is not sacrificed to the Kraken, Argos will be devastated in ten days. Hermes (Alexander Siddig), the messenger of god, comes up to Zeus on Olympus to reveal where his son Perseus is. While Hermes recommends giving Perseus a safe haven, Zeus proclaim that he shall have his own fate together with the other mortals. The king asks for the help of Perseus after he is imprisoned. Perseus refuses at first until he meets Io (Gemma Arterton), a woman whose not growing old as a reprimand for refusing to be seduced by a god. Io then tells him about his origin and the punishment done by Zeus on Acrisius (Jason Flemyng), the former king of Argos, who was married to Danae, for opposing the gods. Acrisuis immediately orders the death of Danae and the baby Perseus after her giving birth. He decides to have them in the coffin float into the sea. However, an infuriated Zeus struck Acrisius with lightning, resulting to a dreadful damage to him. As Io finished her story and after knowing that defeating the Kraken will let him to have his vengeance with Hades, Perseus agrees together with Argos most formidable soldiers. They are also accompanied by Persian monster-hunters named Ixas (Hans Matheson) and Kucuk (Mouloud Achour), and Io, get on board on a mission to look for the Stygian Witches, the three women with gray skin and have one eye. Into the woods, Perseus and the soldiers discover a sword created in Olympus which will only illustrate its true power in the hands of Perseus. Wandering away from the group, Perseus runs into Zeus sacred herd of flying horses, the Pegasus. On the other hand, Perseus turns down the gods offering- the sword and the pure-black Pegasus, as he doesnt want to be a god. As per the order of Hades, Calibos attacks the group of Perseus and tries to take his life. Number of soldiers was killed in this act but Calibos failed to murder Perseus, and loses his hand before he can get away. But the drop of Calibos blood develops giant scorpions from the sand, which then attack Perseus and his men. Though the group was able to kill several scorpions, many of the soldiers were slain as well, and those who survived faced more monsters to fight with. Perseus and his group were saved by Djinn, a bunch of desert sorcerers who were humans before but changed their human flesh with ash and dark magic. The Dj inn were able to put the scorpions under their spell. Helping Perseus to heal his wounds, Sheikh Suleiman (Ian Whyte) Djinn leader, decided to join Perseus group to witness the gods obliteration of Argos. These brave men reached the Garden of Stygia, wherein they gathered information, from the Stygian Witches, that the head of the Gorgon Medusa (Natalia Vodianova) has the power to kill the Kraken, with the risk that they might be slain in the process. As they continue their journey, Zeus got to see Perseus to offer him a sanctuary at Mount Olympus, but still, Perseus refuses the offer. Instead, Zeus gives him a golden drachma, which he learns to be a means to buy off Charon for a way to the Underworld. On the other hand, Io was left outside of Medusas den, where a spell was cast that no women will be able to enter the area. Perseus, together with the remaining soldiers, gives all their strength to stay alive, but one by one, they turn into stone with her gaze. With Suleiman self-destructing himself and the sacrifice of Draco (Mads Mikkelsen), Perseus is able to behead Medusa. He came out in time to witness how Calibos kill Io by thrusting a sword from behind. Perseus challenges Calibo s in a battle and kills him with the sword given to him by the gods, which transforms Calibos back to his human form. As Acrisius draws in his final breath, Hades power leaves him and tells Perseus to refuse to be a god. Perseus stays with Io until she passes on, then rides on to Pegasus and prepares himself back to Argos with Medusas head. At the same time, some of Argoss citizens founded a cult of Hades, who is planning to sacrifice Princess Andromeda to the Kraken, in opposition to the kings wishes. Hades enlightens Zeus that the fall of Argos will bestow him enough power to remove the other Olympians from power. He then left Zeus defenseless to guarantee his triumph. On his way to Argos, Hades sends out his harpies to obstruct Perseus way back to Argos. Perseus overcomes the number of harpies sent by Hades and let the Kraken met the gaze of Medusa which turns the monster into stone. During this upheaval, King Cepheus was killed by the cult leader and has been crushed under the debris of the broken body of stoned Kraken. Hades shows up and scorns Perseus that he cannot kill him, since he is a god. Perseus snaps that Hades can live forever but it will not be in the world of men. He then uses the sword to send away Hades back to the Underworld. After saving Argos from destruction, Princess Andromeda advocates that Perseus should be the king and rule Argos at her side. Zeus gives Perseus a visit and offers to make him a god. Perseus declined both propositions. Zeus then advised Perseus that when Hades gathers enough fear from humankind, he will arise and return to rule the world in darkness. But Perseus will be prepared enough to stop Hades for the s econd time since he has all his intention of staying on Earth. With this, Zeus brings Io back to life, and the two rejoice while Pegasus flies above them. COMMENTARY ON THE FILM: CLASH OF THE TITANS (2010) The movie is a remake of the film Clash of the Titans that was aired almost thirty years ago. The first film was produced in 1981 and the new version of the movie is an inadvertently entertaining retelling of a classic Greek mythology. Fanatics of the earlier version of the film will not be in favor of the remake because of their concept of perfection of the original version. Thus, if movie goers will search for the original substance of the movie, they will be dissatisfied. However, for viewers who are searching for simple, enjoyable and exploration loaded with enormous mythological creatures of the original edition they will definitely take satisfaction in this movie directed by Louis Leterrier and distributed by Warner Bros. Picture. As a Turkish person, I chose BM Magazine to publish this review since BM Magazine accepted to publish my article in their May issue. At first, I am encountering problems in conceptualizing the film since many parts of the original version were cut and modify. However, since I was inspired by the movie Avatar which was aired in 3 Dimension (3D), the curiosity grew more as it was aired in more than hundred theaters in UK last month. As I watched this movie, I found out that this was an action-packed movie from beginning to end and I believe that generation of viewers today will be convinced that this film is better than the 1981 film in term of effects and cinematography. Many of us know that the element of Greek mythology is filled with sex, anger, and envy and other shortcomings. The film Clash of the Titans portrays the story of Perseus, son of Zeus- the ruler of the heavens, as he leads the humans in a combat against the gods of Olympus. Particularly, Persues has an unwell will against Hades, brother of Zeus and ruler of the Underworld, since the god killed Perseus adoptive family out of anger. Zeus adores the humans and believes he needs their worship, but Hades disagrees. He thinks that humans, particularly those in Argos, are high and mighty who believes they do not need gods. At the time that Queen Cassiopeia compared her daughter Andromeda, and claims that her daughter is more beautiful than Aphrodite, the gods instigate war on humans to teach them a lesson. The screenwriters, Travis Beacham, Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi felt that political power struggle between the gods was not interesting enough, so the film focused on vengeance. Aside from Zeu s and Hades, no other gods or goddesses are integrated and it seems that their arguments are better to be just a reflection rather than the films driving factor. The writers chose to keep the majority of the elements, order of events and even the dialogues from the original film, but then decided to change certain elements or add characters in the story. From the original movie, characters of Andromeda and Calibos have much greater roles. Also, other characters like Poseidon, Ammon, Pegasus, Hera and Thetis, who played significant roles in the original, have either minimal roles or do not appear in this remake. Some personage have different roles but are in both films like Danae, who is the wife of Acrisuis and mother of Perseus, but from the original film, Danae is the daughter of Acrisuis impregnated by Zeus. With the original film, Perseus love interest is Andromeda, and not Io, whom he married and became the King of Argos, which he declines in the remake. Things that the two films have in common are the attack of the scorpion, the combat with Medusa, and the final with the Kraken, and for Perseus being the son of Zeus. The movie started out as 2-dimensional film, but with the release of the 3-D movie Avatar, the Clash of the Titans was converted to 3-D. According to Director Leterrier, The adaptation to 3-D adds unbelievable depth to each scene, enhancing the chronicle and providing an all-encompassing clash familiarity. There are movies that are intended to be produced in 3-D. However this film was originally intended for 2-D version, but because of the success of Avatar, the director and producer decided to release a new version also intended for viewers who wanted to watch this film in 3-D. This new version in 3-D adds to the excitement but not to the entire effect of the story. The special effects, mostly digital, have been purposely made to gather some with the original film. However, viewers of this film may be perplexed to find the substance of 3-D since the dimensional layer does not agree with the camera. Moreover, the high dimensions of graphics also exposed little to the viewers. Thus, I would recommend to watched the film and in 2D instead of 3D to further appreciate the context of the film. On the other hand, the movie is definitely filled with striking settings and extraordinary creatures. Pegasus, the flying horse, is portrayed beautifully and the massive numbers of scorpions are indisputably frightening. The Kraken, a gigantic sea monster, is less remarkable than the trailer would have you believe. The film was shot in very lavishing scenery. As for the cinematography, it is very vibrant- jumping out and zooming in or out around each character all the way through ravines and desert landscapes. Many of us know that Greek mythology gives emphasis on power, intelligence and beauty of the gods and goddesses. However, the interesting aspect such as beauty is not shown in the new version. Not a single goddess delivered an argument in this film. But still, Io is able to fill the missing part of the movie, showing more reasonable and more likeable female character and love interest than Andromeda. Moreover, I find the movie drew a cast of familiar faces. Sam Worthington showed only one emotion throughout the movie, seriousness, as Perseues, the most important character in the film. Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Dunny Huston portrayed as the three main Greeks gods: Zeus, hades and Poseidon. Not much participation for Neeson and Huston has very little to do with the movie. Character of Io, played by Gemma Arterton, a woman cursed with agelessness and watch over Perseus through his mission. Alexa Davalos as Andromeda, the princess offered as a sacrifice for the Kraken. In over all, Clash of the Titans is perhaps the first 3-D movie intended to the generation of today. However, it is very hard for me to visualize that this movie will incarcerate wider audience since more of the viewers will undoubtedly attend for its nostalgia value. Moreover, it offers no-frills approach for classical movies with monsters, chaos, and violence abundantly with just enough limits not to over step the leap of the PG-13 rating. For those viewers who will watch this movie in 2D might debate that it harkens back some of the classic fantasy adventure in the middle decades of the 20th century. Thus, I find the movie a flawed but a very entertaining remake of the Greek mythological elements.